AccommodationNo accommodation is needed and all pre-reservations have been cancelled.
We have arranged for pre-reservations with reduced prices at the following hotels. All hotels are in the city center. Note that there are limited number of rooms available with reduced prices, and that pre-reservations expires on given dates mentioned below. We encourage participants to make a reservation before given dates. After this we can not guarantee available rooms. Hotel reservation and payment for accommmodation needs to be handled individually.
Hotels in Kristiansand: Clarion Hotel Ernst (****) Comfort Hotel Kristiansand (***) Yess!hotel Kristiansand (***) Scandic Kristiansand Bystranda (***)
For making a reservation on one of the hotels above, refer to "SEFI2020". *****************************************
Note that there are no pre-reservations or reduced prices arranged with any other hotels than those mentioned in the top section.